At the end of Year 6, all pupils across the country sit their SATS (statutory assessment tests). These are national end of KS2 assessments in reading and maths (as well as teacher assessments in writing). It is fantastic to see the progress pupils are making towards this.
Please note SATS week for KS2 is from Monday 12th May - Thursday 15th May. The tests can only be taken during this week at the dates and times set by the government. There are no re-sits and we can't do them for any child on a different day/week. With this in mind, pupils are not able to take holidays during this week.
If you have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
How can I support my child?
There are four main ways you can support your child to excel in their SATs.
Pupils’ learning begins as soon as they enter our school building at 8.30am. Please ensure your child attends on time, every day. |
Pupils that have breakfast before coming to school are ready for learning from the moment they step through our doors! There is a notably positive impact on those pupils that have breakfast before coming to school. |
Tired pupils struggle to learn. Ensuring pupils sleep is crucial to everyday success at school. |
Over the coming weeks, we will be providing further information on how revision can be used to support preparation for these. As shared with many parents at parents' evening, a key priority for this is times tables! Ensuring pupils spend time on Times Tables Rockstars will be crucial to success. |
When is SATs week and what will it look like?
All Year 6 pupils across the country sit the SATs tests on the same day. This is a nationally-set timetable.
Monday 12th May |
Paper 1: Punctuation and grammar Paper 2: Spelling |
During SATs week, all Year 6 pupils are encouraged to attend school from 8am for a SATs Breakfast Buffet.
Tuesday 13th May |
Paper 1: Reading |
Wednesday 14th May |
Paper 1: Maths - Arithmetic Paper 2: Maths - Reasoning & Problem Solving |
Thursday 15th May |
Paper 3: Maths - Reasoning & Problem Solving |
Pupils do not all sit the test at the same time. They are kept separate throughout the day and will take the test in different groups in rooms and with adults that they are familiar with. Writing is assessed by teachers throughout the spring and summer terms.
When will we find out the results?
Pupils’ results are received by school in mid-July. Pupils are either: