We are incredibly proud of the Remote Learning offer we provided throughout 2020/21, allowing us to continue to teach our ambitious Literature-Led Curriculum.
At the start of our journey as Spa Academy Askern, we launched our Literature-Led Curriculum and we were determined to ensure that restricted attendance was not going to stop pupils in our community getting books. Spa led the co-ordination of the Leger Library Bus. Our initiative even caught the eye of the Department for Education!
Our Literature-Led Curriculum continued to be delivered both remotely and in-person.
In English, our pupils studied geography-themed texts, linked to our Literature-Led Curriculum novels. Pupils' reading lessons prepared them with the knowledge needed to apply in their writing.
In maths, our curriculum sequence continued as planned, using a mix of live teaching and White Rose Maths hub sessions.
We continued to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum, teaching all subject areas planned as part of our sequential curriculum.
Our ASPIRE programme continued, with pupils accessing live sessions, pairing up with pupils in school to put their character skills to the test!
Class teachers, support staff, our Pastoral Team and Remote Education team supported pupils throughout remote education, supporting a wide range of pupils, including vulnerable and those with SEND.
Attendance and engagement were celebrated throughout periods of remote education! Data in school was regularly triangulated to take account of the changing context.
We are most proud of the team spirit amongst our staff in ensuring our pupils continued to access an ambitious curriculum and high quality of education.
We issued over 100 digital devices to pupils - 40% of our pupils - who were struggling with access to technology. The relationships with our families had never been stronger!
Our weekly Celebration Assembly still took place, sharing the incredible work of those working both remotely and in school.
Both World Book Day and our Leger Trust DEAR Day were celebrated through remote provision - we'll never miss an opportunity for some fancy dress at Spa!
Back in January and February, pupils (and staff!) enjoyed the frosty weather!
Our Pastoral Team continued to make home visits to vulnerable pupils or those struggling with attendance/engagement.
As a school, we have been on a significant journey of improvement and it was important that we lived up to our school mantra - Better Never Stops. CPD continued for all staff. For Spring term, subject leaders worked hard to develop their subject area, further enhancing our curriculum design.
Collaboration across Doncaster did not stop as a result of the pandemic - it simply adapted. Spa continued to play a role in sharing good practice and working alongside colleagues across the system to improve the provision for pupils both remotely and in our schools.
Spa Academy Askern, since joining Leger Education Trust in June 2019, has been on a significant journey of improvement. Despite the challenges and turbulence of the time since this point, Doncaster Local Authority recognised the rapid progress being made and judged the school to be self-improving in March 2021.