Following parent feedback, our Remote Education is based around pre-recorded videos (all released at the start of the week) as this allows, particularly for our younger pupils, the school day to be flexible around your own working from home/childcare commitments. Some parents have asked for a suggested timetable for the day to support them in structuring their child's time. Below, we have included what a suggested timetable for the day might look like - matching what those pupils in school continue to receive and government guidance released late this week. This timetable covers all of the Teams lessons and assignments that are posted for pupils each day.
However, families need flexibility (because they are continuing to work, work from home or have childcare commitments) and we recommend that families create their own timetable around their working day/week. This is a challenging time for many and we are dedicated to both making sure our pupils are receiving a high-quality education as well as helping families manage their child's Remote Education.
If you ever need any support or any help, please do not hesitate to contact us - we're here to help! We are open during normal school hours through contacting (01302) 700332 or
This timetable is based on the six lessons/activities pupils will be given each day:
Lesson Timetable | |
LIVE Check-In Every morning, 15 minutes |
Lesson & assignment on Teams |
Times Tables Rock Stars 15 minutes |
Maths 45 minutes |
Lesson & assignment on Teams |
Reading 30 minutes |
Lesson & assignment on Teams |
Writing 60 minutes |
Lesson & assignment on Teams |
Daily Reading 15 minutes |
Reading own reading book |
Topic 60 minutes |
Lesson & assignment on Teams |