We are excited to have all pupils return on Monday 8th March and I wanted to take this opportunity to remind you of key information and provide some specific updates. We intend to continue to keep things as ‘normal’ as possible whilst maintaining the strict health and safety restrictions that we have implemented over the past year.
All pupils in that class will be based in their own classroom with their class teacher(s). Teaching Assistants will also support the learners in those classes. As much as possible pupils will then be kept in year group ‘bubbles’ to minimise the number of pupils mixing together, as the DfE guidance recommends. They will have allocated entrances and exits, playgrounds, lunchtime sittings and toilets as we did when we returned to school in September 2020. Classes will also have specific allocated time slots to access communal areas such as the sports hall for PE and school library. There will be additional cleaning to ensure that facilities and resources are cleaned in between groups.
Arriving and leaving school
To maintain social distancing, school gates will open at 8.30 and staff will be on duty to encourage this. Children should not arrive before this time. Year groups will continue to use the same allocated playground, entrance and exit as previously (see table below). Pupils should go straight to their line as they enter their playground and wait for their teacher to take them into school safely and calmly. Parents will not be permitted to enter the school grounds, however may wait for their child outside the gates or around the perimeter fence. It is parent’s responsibility to ensure that you are socially distanced whilst waiting for your child(ren). If your child usually walks home, they will be allowed to do so.
Key Information
How are we making school safe?
Following guidance from the Department for Education as well as our own risk assessments, you will notice the following changes to ensure contact is minimised:
The current Government guidance makes it clear that attendance will be mandatory for all pupils from 8th March. This means from that point, the usual rules on school attendance will apply, including:
The Government has recognised that a small number of pupils will not be able to attend because they are self-isolating and have had symptoms or a positive test result themselves; or because they are a close contact of someone who has coronavirus (COVID-19). Where children are not able to attend school as parents are following clinical and/or public health advice, absence will not be penalised. The advice for pupils who have been confirmed as clinically extremely vulnerable is to shield and stay at home as much as possible until further notice. They are advised not to attend school while shielding advice applies nationally. If you or your child are anxious about returning to school, please get in touch so that we can support you.
Breakfast Club
We will continue to operate a booked in provision for breakfast club. This will continue to be a paid for wraparound care rather than a drop-in breakfast service. If you have previously booked your child into breakfast club this booking will be automatically continued from Monday 8th March. If you wish to book a new place or change your previous bookings, please contact the admin team at school by email admin@askernspa.doncaster.sch.uk or telephone and leave a message on 01302 700332.
Walking Bus
We will be continuing our very successful ‘walking bus’ from Monday 8th March. Spa Academy staff supervise children, wearing school high visibility vests, leaving school and walking along the bus route into Askern. For more information visit the school website click below or contact the school office.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Monday 8th March
Yours sincerely,
Emma Anderson