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Spa Academy Askern

Spa Academy Askern

Parent Letter - Key Worker Childcare Provision

The Government has announced that all schools are to close at the end of Friday 20th March, except for children of key workers and vulnerable children.

At this stage we don’t know how long the closure will be for, but we are working on the assumption that it may be for some time.

Home Learning

All children have been given details on how to access home learning. Some children will have learning packs, and others will have been directed to online resources also. If you have any queries about your child’s home learning, or any concerns regarding safeguarding or Special Educational Needs a Duty Team will be available everyday between the hours of 09:00 – 15:00 to support you. You can call Campsmount Academy on 01302 700002 for help and support.


We have some capacity to support families of key workers. The Government has published a list of who key workers are. If one parent in the household is not a key worker, he or she is able to stay at home and look after the child, your child should therefore stay at home. This is because the purpose of the government’s policy is to reduce social interactions – staying at home is one of the most effective ways of doing this.

We will continue to support childcare for children who are vulnerable or have an EHCP. We have contacted those families who fall into this category.

We are able to offer childcare between the hours of 09:00 and 15:00. All children from all schools within Leger Education Trust (Spa Academy, Moss Road Infant Academy, Littlemoor Infant Academy, and Campsmount Academy) who have an EHCP or are vulnerable, or whose parents are key workers and have no other alternatives will attend Campsmount Academy. All other schools will remain closed.

There will be staff from all schools working at the childcare provision on a rota basis. It is important to understand that this is a childcare provision and the National Curriculum will not be followed. Staff will support children with their home learning packs and online resources, as well as providing activities such as sport, arts and crafts etc.

Children may attend in non-uniform, and will need to bring a packed lunch, snacks and drinks. They may bring a mobile phone or iPad/tablet/game device WITH headphones if they wish. Children who are eligible for Free School Meals will be given a school packed lunch.

Many parents have already contacted us to let us know if they are a key worker and if they wish to take up a place. If you haven’t done so and you meet the criteria please email as soon as possible.

If you have booked a place and your circumstances change and no longer require the place then please let us know immediately.

If your child or anyone in your household develops symptoms they MUST NOT attend for the appropriate period of isolation. If your child develops symptoms during the childcare provision, we will ring you to collect them. When signing in please ensure we have your up to date contact details and details of who will collect them if you are not able to.

As this is an evolving picture we ask for your patience as we set up and develop this provision.

Free School Meals

If your child is currently eligible for Free School Meals we have written to you separately.


The Secretary of State for Education has also asked that schools remain open in some capacity during the Easter break for these children so that designated key workers can continue to fulfil their roles. We will give details of this provision to those families over the next few days.


Our main method of communication to parents will be on the Leger Education Trust and school websites in the News section. Please ensure you check these daily. Visit and click on your school page. We will also Tweet links to these updates on Twitter. Follow us on Twitter at @LegerEdTrust

You can contact the Duty team on 01302 700002 between 09:00 – 15:00 Monday to Friday.

We will be doing everything we can to help minimise the disruption to our children. These are unprecedented and challenging times but we are committed to your child’s education through remote learning and through caring for those who will continue to attend school.

We appreciate this is a very difficult and worrying time for everyone, and we thank you for your support and patience as we work through the details.

Yours faithfully,

Adam Dale