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Spa Academy Askern

Spa Academy Askern

Spa Summer Newsletter

Please read on, and click the links at the bottom of the page, to read or Summer Newsletter and other information regarding events in the Autumn Term 2023.

As we come to the end of another academic year, it has been brilliant to have undertaken so many activities, such as sports days, new starter evenings, leavers events and other activities.  Your support at all of these events has been overwhelming and I would like to thank you for this on behalf of both staff and pupils. 

We are sadly saying goodbye to Mrs Williams, one of our pastoral team, as well as Mr George, who has taught in Year 4, and Miss Storr, one of our Y5 teaching assistants.  We wish all of them the very best of luck and know that they will be missed by so many of our staff and pupils.

We will also be saying goodbye to our Y6 pupils as they take the next step in their education. I truly hope our Y6 pupils look back on their time at Spa Academy like we do, as a positive one with plenty of happy memories. From all at Spa, we send them off to secondary school with our love and best wishes in the hope that they go on to achieve great success in life.

Emma Anderson, Headteacher


Key Information for September 2023

Our school day starts promptly at 8.30am, when gates open on Sutton Road and Manor Road for pupils in Y3 & Y4, and on Alfred Road for pupils in Y5 & Y6. We encourage pupils to leave parents at the gate and make their own way into school through the entrances.  Lessons will begin immediately at 8.30am with a morning task. At the end of the day pupils will leave by the same entrances at 3pm.  Pupils in all year groups will only be allowed to make their own way home if we have received parental consent for them to do so. In a change to previous arrangements, adults collecting Y3 & Y4 pupils must wait on the playground so that staff can ensure a safe handover.  

Our office will be closed 2.30-3.00pm and pupils should only be collected at this time by prior arrangement.

Please see the additional leaflets on school term dates and uniform expectations.


Click the links below to view the full Newsletter and other key information including Uniform Expectations and Holiday Dates 2023-24.